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8% of diabetic cost $108B/yr. Stop systemic complications. Lower costs.

Event Date: 6/4/2024

Event Overview

Tuesday, 6/4/2024
11:00 AM CT – 12:00 PM CT (60 minutes)
Vendor Spotlight Host: Podimetrics

Every three minutes in the United States, someone has a limb amputated due to diabetes. The process is as traumatic as it is expensive: A single lower-limb amputation can cost more than $100,000 in direct spending, and 62% of patients die within five years of the event.

These patients often come from traditionally underserved populations, including Black and Latinx communities, that disproportionately experience complex diabetes and its burdens.

While the U.S. health system is becoming more aware that these disparities exist, we still struggle to take action to address the shortfalls and connect people with the resources they need to avoid amputations and other costly complications from diabetes, such as the 85% of diabetic foot ulcers that are preventable.

Topics of discussion include:

1. The role of preventive Remote Temperature Monitoring (RTM) in addressing proactive diabetes management
2. Clinical and financial impact where it matters most
Looking to the future of person-centered, data-driven diabetes care
3. Focusing on SDoH to meet patients where they are
4. Adherence by design. How the SmartMat RTM Program was built for effective engagement

Learning Objectives:

  • How we identify and appropriately risk stratify these members in our population?
  • How can we impact the total cost of care?
  • How can we impact HCC risk-adjustment?
  • How can this impact our health equity and SDOH strategies?


Notice to Participants:
Please note that this webinar is a Vendor Spotlight and will be a capabilities-focused presentation. While this vendor is not under contract with the Health Plan Alliance, we believe this webinar will provide you the opportunity to learn more about this vendor and the programs and services it provides. Offering this webinar does not imply that the Health Plan Alliance endorses this vendor. The webinar is merely for informational purposes only. Should you wish to share feedback and/or have questions about this vendor, please contact Jaime González, the Alliance’s Chief Business Development Officer, at or 972-830-6355.


Thank you to our event sponsors



Fee End Date Description Amount
6/4/2024 Exclusive to Alliance Partner or Shareholder organizations FREE
Fee End Date Description Amount
6/4/2024 Only for invited guests of the Alliance GUEST PASS
Fee End Date Description Amount
6/4/2024 For confirmed event sponsors SPONSOR PASS

Below is a list of all delegates registered to date for this event

  • Katherine Gilbreath
  • Pharmacy Benefits Services Specialist at CHRISTUS Health Plan
  • Maria Menendez
  • RN/CPC/CRC/clinical reviewer at AvMed