Farewell Letter from Dennis Bolin, Alliance Chief Experience Officer

Health Plan Alliance


Dear Alliance Colleagues:

After 50 years of receiving a paycheck, I look forward to retiring December 31, 2022 with a jumble of thoughts and emotions.

The first is gratitude for the opportunity to work for you these past 21 years.  Maybe it is a cliché, but it is true:  I woke up everyday excited to work for you.  I have been reminded this past year as our team has been able to again visit many of your offices and to be with you at our meetings,  how much I enjoy learning from you, being challenged by you, contributing to your efforts, and just hanging out.

I admire you.  When I am researching one of your questions or organizing an Alliance project or facilitating a meeting, I am reminded of the importance of the work you do.  Many of us are now several degrees removed from our final customers — it happens as our careers progress.  So, I try every day to remind myself that our work makes a difference in the lives of our communities.

And to the Alliance team:  I am honored to work with you.  Whether I worked with you from day one or just this year, I am awed by your intellect, talent, and dedication to our members.  I learn something from you every day.

Thank you for being my colleagues, my mentors, my teachers and my friends.  Keep in touch!


Dennis Bolin
E: dlbindallas@gmail.com

Leave a farewell message for Dennis!

We celebrated Dennis' retirement at our 2022 Fall Leadership Forum and had a guestbook onsite for attendees to sign. If you were not able to join us in person, you can leave a note for Dennis here. A link to this page was included in Dennis' retirement book. All are encouraged to also share photos or a video message for Dennis.